Cocktail for Season 8 of The Bachelorette

Tonight is the eighth season premier of The Bachelorette, starring the lovely Emily Maynard. How can you possibly not tune in to this watch this show after all that darling little Em has been through? From the untimely death of her early love and father of her child to the unfortunate breakup with Brad on The Bachelor, this girl deserves a break in the soul mate department.

Careful thought went into the ingredients of this cocktail. Miss Maynard is sweet as peaches, and beautiful enough to be a lot of girls' envy. And the Angel's Envy bourbon I chose isn't for the weak at heart; it's fantastically smooth yet has a kick to be reckoned with. This season I really think that we're going to see a side to Emily that we haven't seen before.

So stock up on the bourbon and the Kleenex, and help me toast to a new leading lady, looking for love.

Bourbon Peach Ginger Ale 
2 tablespoons homemade peach simple syrup
2 ounces Angel's Envy  Bourbon
2 ounces ginger ale
Fresh peach slices

Directions: Pour the simple syrup and the bourbon into a glass and whisk together until blended. Add the ice and peaches, then fill the glass with ginger ale.

Peach Simple Syrup: Over a low flame, heat 1 cup sugar, 1 cup fresh peaches, and 1 cup water. Simmer until the peaches have almost liquified. Strain the syrup into a sealable containable and use any left over peach pieces for jam!

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