THIS GIRL'S Pick of the WEEK: HOST Deluxe Aerator

In my quest to find simpler ways to allow my hard-earned evening glass of wine to breathe, I've discovered HOST's Deluxe Aerator and Pourer distributed by True Fabrications. The aesthetics and sophistication of a crystal decanter is unquestionably a lovely addition to the dinner table but largely impractical on a day-to-day basis.

HOST's sleek and sturdy aerator, which fits into most wine bottles (I've now used it with over two dozen bottles and only one wine neck was too small),  opens up and releases the flavor of your wine in seconds. But what I love most about this product is the different "levels" at which you can choose to aerate: a subtle tilt of the wrist exposes the wine to a softer flow of air, a medium tilt invites a stronger rush, and a high tilt brings on a gust of air for those wines with high tannin levels.

The design is simple and functional and will become a permanent fixture of your wine collection.

HOST Deluxe Aerator
Retail Price: $25.00

THIS GIRL's Hot Pick of the WEEK: Govino Glasses

The Peach Martini