Next Vacation Destination: Bourbon Country

People often talk about the pleasures of visiting wine country. I was in Napa a few weekends ago and cannot wait to go back to those long country roads and rolling green hills leading to and encompassing breath-taking wineries. But I've got a new destination in mind for a tasting far from the vineyards of California: Bourbon Country.

I recently picked up a copy of The Official Guide to Bourbon Country and have been carrying it around in my briefcase ever since, slowly combing through articles about craft distilleries, recipes that are entirely bourbon-based, reviews of boutique hotels, and photos of gorgeous bars showcasing fine bourbon after bourbon. For $5 you can have your own copy of the guide to start planning that weekend getaway in the heart of Kentucky.

Visit Bourbon Country anytime, but if you're looking for specific plans, here are two that are right around the corner:

  • January 14 - 18, 2013 you can attend a 5-day distiller course at the DIstill Spirits Epicenter, and learn everything you'd ned to know about becoming a distiller.
  • March 22-23, 2013 is the Bourbon Classic which I look forward to attending. There will be tastings, a mixologists competition, discussions with brands, and much more.

If you make it there before me, I'd love to hear about your trip! And think about bringing me back a sample of your favorite bourbon...just so we can compare notes. ;)


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