Biting into a ripe persimmon is one of the joys of cooler weather. The fruit has endless culinary possibilities like permission soup, salsa, cookies, and muffins. So why not try a persimmon martini? This recipe is very basic… rum, persimmons, simple syrup, and a pinch of syrup. But by going through this process, you'll familiarize yourself with the texture and taste of this unusual fruit.
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We started by washing then chopping the fruit into ½ inch chunks. We added 3 ounces of spiced rum to a martini shaker and dropped in the persimmons to soak for thirty minutes.
Next came the muddling! The pulp is very tender but the skin is tougher. Use that elbow to squeeze the juice out. Once you've collected the rum juice, consider filtering it again. The juice was very pulpy. I don't mind that texture in my brunch drink but not so much for happy hour cocktails.
Add ice to the rum juice, ½ ounce to ¾ ounce of simple syrup depending on the sweetness of the persimmons, and more spiced rum if desired. Add a pinch of cinnamon and shake the ingredients hard before straining into a chilled glass.
Persimmons Martini Recipe
3 ounces spiced rum
1 chopped persimmon
½ - ¾ ounce simple syrup
Pinch of cinnamon
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