A Unique Gift Idea for Father's Day

Father's Day always sneaks up on us and although I know our Dad appreciates the Amazon gift card he gets every year, maybe this year we should all think outside of the box, and into the bottle. If you can plan a bit in advance, our This Girl's Bottling Kit is kind of a dream come true for you gift givers out there who need some fresh ideas. You can choose your dad's favorite cocktail, make up a batch to fill four 6oz bottles, and then bottle, cap, label, and stash into a handy four-pack carrier. The bonus is that if you take the time to sit down with your dad, you may just get to enjoy some of your handy work along with him. Our Dad is game to try anything, and appreciates all kinds of spirits, so for him we'd choose a Dirty Engine, a Salty Fire, or an Old Fashioned. What is your dad's favorite?

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A Dill and Black Olive Infused Gin For all Seasons

The Perfect Summer Wine: Apothic Rose