Easter Cocktails! Bellini & Black Jelly Bean Martini

Easter Cocktails! Bellini & Black Jelly Bean Martini

Easter isn’t just about the eggs and the ham…it’s about the cocktails too! Here are two recipes, one that’s traditional and will be loved by everyone, and the other that only a black jelly bean fan could appreciate.

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A classic Bellini is made only with puréed peach or peach nectar and bubbly. We’ve put a little twist on this recipe and added two more ingredients that make this drink a little more special.

4 - 5 ounces bubbly (champagne, prosecco, brut, etc.)
1 ounce peach nectar
1 ounce fresh lemon juice
1/2 ounce orange brandy such a Cointreau
Peach slice garnish

Squeeze half of a lemon into a measuring cup or a little dish, then pour the juice into your champagne flute. Add the peach nectar and the Cointreau. Tip your glass to a forty-five degree angle and slowly add the bubbly. Drop the peach into the glass, place it on the side, or rest it on top with a pick.

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This first black jelly bean martini recipe calls for activated charcoal and actual black jelly beans. If that’s too gimicky for you, we have another option! Just scroll down to version two.

Black Jelly Bean Martini (Version 1)
3 ounces vodka
1 ounce Cointreau
1/4 ounce (or less) anisette
Tiny pinch activated charcoal
Black jelly bean garnish

Combine the vodka, Cointreau, anisette, and activated charcoal into a martini shaker filled with ice. Shake well to mix, then strain into a martini glass. Garnish with black jelly beans and serve.

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This is the drink for those who aren’t into activated charcoal (can be messy!) or have white couches.

Black Jelly Bean Martini (Version 2)
3 ounces vodka
1 ounce Cointreau
1/4 ounce (or less) anisette
Anis star garnish

Combine the vodka, Cointreau, and anisette into a martini shaker filled with ice. Shake well to mix, then strain into a martini glass. Garnish with black jelly beans and serve.

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