This Girl's Holiday Stocking Stuffer Gift Guide

We've put together a few gifts that will round out what you've already purchased and guarantee that no one spends the rest of Christmas Day pouting. Gotta get the awkwardness out of the way and just remind you that the best gift ever of all time is our book. Not just because of the amazing flash cards, how-to diagrams, and strategies for dealing with drunks. Nope. This is the best gift because your girlfirend will read it and be able to make kick-ass cocktails 365 days a year. Buy here!



We've tried so many cocktail shakers that it should be a chapter in our next book. In fact, at our private mixology parties we bring one of eight different types to let people try out all the varieties before making an investment in a shaker. This one is by far our favorite and the first step towards creating a serious home bar. There are several fun recipes on the side, but we just like being able to see into the shaker as each purdy ingredient goes in. The lip has a rubber seal and the top never sticks no matter how cold it gets. You'll also find that the glass is sturdy enough to survive a few slippery fingers.


Pub Trivia is such a great game that if you don't already own it we'll be sort of surprised. It's not your traditional trivia game and has enough different levels of difficulty to include players of many different ages. It's also a team effort, so if you're embarrassed by the vast amounts of random knowledge that you store in your brain, you can hide your geekiness in a crowd. And if you suck at remembering stuff, there's a drawing section.


This is the most amazing aerator ever because you can choose the number of decantoring hours that you'd like to expose your wine to, except that it only takes a few seconds for the magic to happen.

We love this nifty device so much that you should just take our word for it. But if you have to know more, read the review we already wrote a few weeks ago.



We also recently shared our discovery of New York Mouth. You know that expression about how it's just as fun giving as getting? Well, if we're going to be really honest with ourselves we know that someone who didn't get what they wanted made that saying up a long time ago to make herself feel better about what she definitely did not get. Giving is rarely ever as fun as getting. I mean it can be close, don't get us wrong.

One of the few exceptions could be giving from this company. As you cruise through the virtual aisles, you get to customize gift bags for all your friends and family. This gift doesn't take long to assemble but it definitely gives you a satisfying feeling while you shop. You get to use your creativity. You get to use your knowledge of food and beverage pairings. And you get to order one for yourself at checkout if you're smart because you remember that your mom once told you that if you really like something, you should buy two of them. See?


This is the ultimate individual beer cooler. You put the sleeve in the fridge to chill and it will keep your beer cold for at least the first quarter. Good enough though, right? Plus, it looks funny. But in a good way. Always nice to end the present opening on an upbeat note. And if the present opening did not go like you planned, maybe go head and put a beer in the stocking too.


Last year we loved this gift and this year we love it too. It's the perfect present for the blogger, social media addict, or narcissist in your life. With a few clicks, Status Cloud compiles the most commonly used words in your Twitter feed or Facebook page. Stare at them on a mug all year or show them off to the world on a T-Shirt. It's a one-of-a-kind gift that no one else will think of. Now, you'll need to figure out a way to get their password so you make the dang present, but we'll leave the sleuthing up to you. (You can always blame it on elves).


Serious winos are a difficult bunch to buy wine for. You've got to choose the right varietal, the right year, the right price... So just give up and buy a wine-themed board game instead! We tested this game out over the summer and think that it's super fun. Then again, any game that requires wine guarantees a good time. The trivia questions will teach the amateur more than a degree in viticulture ever could, and the serious wino will feel even more superior than he thought possible.


Basic Bar Bites: Chili on Christmas Eve

Retro Barware