YOU Are Invited! Galley Girl Reunion and Fundraiser

In 2001 I applied for a job at a neighborhood joint, The Galley, that was mostly frequented by locals, and my interview went well. I sat down with owner Captain Ron Schur but before I could get the job I'd have to meet his head bartender, Angie. She had, and still has, a great sense about people and in a way, was Captain Ron's gatekeeper. If she also thought you'd be a good fit for The Galley, you were in. Luckily, I passed her test and have her to thank for so many opportunities that came my way while working there, and that continue to come since I've left. Now it's my turn to give a little something back to Angie. Her oldest son, who is ten, has Leukemia. He's in the hospital as I write this. Angie is taking a lot of time off from bartending to be with him and she could use our help.

On Sunday, June 23 at 4:00 pm at The Galley, the Galley Girls, past and present, are joining together to raise money for Angie. Insurance covers only a small part of the mounting medical expenses. Many of the fabulous and beautiful waitresses and bartenders who have worked together over the years will be there, marking the 1st Annual Galley Girl reunion and fundraiser.

Please come! RSVP to or to our EventBrite page, then bring your checkbook, or donate to our GiveForward account here. Come have a few drinks with all the ladies, and give to a great cause.

When: Sunday, June 23rd at 4:00 PM Where: The Galley, Santa Monica's oldest restaurant and bar 2442 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90405


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