Beauty in the Bite's Prosciutto Cups with Burrata, Peaches, & Basil

Guest Post by's  Ragan Wallake Brooks (to see the cocktail that pairs with Ragan's appetizer, click to the previous blog post!) I love this little quick appetizer trick of creating a bite size cup from a piece of prosciutto. It's dead easy. Get yourself a mini muffin tin and drape thin slices of prosciutto within each well, making sure to cover the bottom & sides so as it bakes and becomes crisp, it forms a solid cup. Bake at 375 for 10 minutes or until cups are crispy and hold their shape. Remove from oven and take cups out of muffin tin. Let the cups cool on a paper towel. 

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Next, I spoon a bit of creamy burrata into each cup, top with a slice of fresh peach and a small basil leaf. Lastly, I sprinkle the smallest amount of pink himalayan sea salt over each one. The prosciutto is already salty so don't add too much more salt, but the balance of layers is nice on the palette.

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Prosciutto Cups with Burrata, Peaches, & Basil 1 package prosciutto 1 fresh peach 1 handful of basil leaves 1 container of burrata pink himalayan sea salt to finish

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Ragan Wallake Brookes is a Los Angeles-based food blogger and photographer. After 15 years in the entertainment industry as a model and actress, she materialized her passion for food, photography, and aesthetics by creating, a celebration of all things delicious and beautiful. Visit the blog to learn more and to contact Ragan, email

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