Mocktails for Dryuary: January 3rd

While reading articles about the health benefits of drying out in January, one theme seemed to reoccur more than others: avoid social situations. Dryuary veterans stress the importance of having a plan in place when those tempting offers to grab a drink after work pop up. I think that's going a teensy bit over board. I mean, I'm only 2.5 days in here but it's not like a vodka soda is going to jump up and attack me. I'd rather go hang out with my friends on a Friday night and sip on a club soda than walk into a meditation, yoga, or spinning class (as suggested by many). Howeverrrr, there is a champagne brunch coming up mid-month that we're hosting and my mouth is already watering at the thought of a mimosa made with icy cold Veuve Clicquot rosé and fresh orange juice. Mmmm. So in place of that yummy concoction, I'm planning  ahead like they are all recommending to make this faux mimosa recipe. It will be just as good....riiiiight???!!!

Fake Mimosa 4 ounces Orange San Pelligrino 3 ounces fresh orange juice ½ fresh lemon juice

Directions Combine the fresh orange juice and lemon juice in a champagne flute. Slowly add the San Pelligrino and serve.

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