We ♥ Our Bartenders

When This Girl Walks Into a Bar went into business with our bartending services last August, we predicted that the months of September through December would be busy. You've got Labor Day BBQs, Halloween parties, swanky Thanksgiving dinners, holiday celebrations, and then of course, New Year's Eve. So we just assumed that January through April would be on the slower side as people recovered from the indulgences that those final months of the year bring. Well - apparently there's no "down time" from the party scene in Los Angeles. January was our busiest month to date and included events ranging from 80's birthdays to comedy nights to corporate ice skating parties. In January! Although each occasion was unique, our amazing bartenders adapted to every situation like the professionals they are. We are so grateful to have such an incredible team of quick-thinking, problem-solving, enthusiastic women working with us. We ♥ our bartenders!!!

L.O.V.E.  -  Delicious Valentine's Day Cocktail Recipes

L.O.V.E. - Delicious Valentine's Day Cocktail Recipes

Mocktails for Dryuary: January 3rd