Spring Cocktails: How to Make VodkaMelon

Vodkamelon is a fruit we think you'll enjoy. It doesn't grow from the ground although we're working extremely hard on the formula for that seed. VodkaMelon Cubes

In the meantime, here's an easier formula to get started with:

  • Chop sliced watermelon into 1-inch cubes.
  • Submerge then in vodka and chill in your fridge for an hour or two.
  • Drain the excess vodka and save for this cocktail or another one.
  • Transfer the watermelon cubes to the fridge and freeze
  • Once frozen, break the cubes apart and use as ice cubes, or just eat them right then and there.

Suggested drinks? Vodkamelon + Watermelon Vodka + Tonic + Lime Juice Vodkamelon + Gin + Lemon Juice + Mint Simple Syrup Vodkamelon + Tequila + Triple Sec+ Homemade Sweet & Sour


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